Pompeo Mariani

Pompeo Mariani

Italian (1857 – 1927)

The nephew of Mose Bianchi, Mariani was also born in Monza and studied in Milan. He visited Egypt in 1881-2, but his early successes were achieved with subjects drawn from the Lombard landscape, particularly sporting scenes around Zelada. In the 1880′s he won medals at the Paris Salon and in Munich.

From the 1890s onwards he travelled frequently to Bordighera where he painted a series of atmospheric marine views. At the same time he became fascinated by the fashionable life of Monte Carlo, and for the rest of his career was a frequent visitor, depicting elegant women promenading or at the gambling tables.

The Bernasconi Collection

The collection was the creation of Juan and Felix Bernasconi. Both were prominent in Milanese art circles at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries and purchased extensively from contemporary painters, notably Mose Bianchi, Luigi Rossi, Pompeo Mariani and Giorgio Belloni. The collection they formed constituted the largest concentration of works by those masters in private hands, and few have been seen by the public since the artist’s lifetimes.