Ray Ching Collection

A collection of five comprehensive catalogues for exhibitions by Raymond Ching.
Jonathan Grant Gallery

A collection of five comprehensive catalogues for exhibitions by Raymond Ching.


Ray Ching – Paintings, 2000
57 colour pages
Essay by Mark Hutchins


Ray Ching – Measured Drawings, 2002
Essay by Michael Dunn
42 colour pages


Ray Ching – The Last Tree Fell, 2005
56 colour pages
ISBN: 0-473-10516-0
Essay by Errol Fuller


Ray Ching – Ark, 2007
30 colour pages
ISBN: 978-0-473-12141-9
30 colour pages


Ray Ching – Autobiography, 2008
36 colour pages
ISBN: 978-0-473-14121-9

Ray Ching Collection: A collection of five comprehensive catalogues for exhibitions by Raymond Ching.
NZD$ 50.00